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时间:09-15 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:220


September 14, 2023雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。每一篇范文都经由专业团队反复校对,最终外教审查定稿。成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。[2023/ 9/ 9] The chart below shows the sales (US dollars) of different categories in a particular shop all the year round in the US in 2001.【主体段分段】:<方法1>:按照消费类别分段(本篇文章采用此种分段方法)<方法2>:按照季节分段【开头段】The bar chart compares five types of consumer goods in terms of their sales(in US dollars) in a shop in US throughout 2001.【概述段】In general, jewelry earned more profits than other items in the given year, but male clothing was less lucrative than others.思路要点:就全年来讲,jewelry整体销量较高,但male clothing的数据整体较低【Body 1】In winter, jewelry wasthe most profitable item, with the sales of $120000.Subsequently, this figuresaw a dramatic declineto $80000 in spring,before climbing marginallyby $20000 in autumn.Likewise, the sales of clothing showed a similar trend.To be more specific, from winter to spring,there emerged a constant dropin both the figures for female and male clothing from roughly $83000 to $70000 and from $40000 to $20000 respectively.The final quarter witnessed a slight riseby around $10000 in these two figures.语言点提示:生活化描述思路要点:前三个类别- Jewelry:winter销量最高($120000)→spring急剧下降到$80000→autumn小幅度上升了$20000.- clothing的销量呈类似趋势- female和male clothing的销量:从winter到spring,销量持续下降(分别从$83000 →$70000和$40000→$20000)- 最后一季度两者都小幅度上升了$10000【Body 2】We can also see thata different trend could be found in the sales of other two types of items.Originally, the sales of cosmetics($50000) were roughly twice as large as the figure for sports($30000).Afterwards, these two figuresgrewto the same figure at $60000 in Spring. Summer marked the season when cosmetics earned the least profit throughout the year of 2001($30000),after whichthis figuremore than doubledto $70000 in the last quarter.Similarly, the sales of sportsdecreased to$40000 in summer,followed by a slight growthin autumn to the same figure as it was in spring.思路要点:剩下两个类别- 和之前三种的销量趋势不同- 最初cosmetics销量是sports的2倍→随后这2个产品的销量上升,在spring达到相同数值$60000.- Summer, cosmetics销量最低($30000) →在最后一个季度翻了一倍多,达到$70000- sports:小幅度下降在summer达到$40000→autumn轻微上升回到和spring相同的数值


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